Polymer Field Theory: Liquid Crystalline Solutions¶
We define a system Hamiltonian [Spakowitz2003] of a collection of polymer chains and solvent molecules
\(\hat{\phi}_{s}\) and \(\hat{\phi}_{p}\) are the local volume fractions of the solvent and polymer molecules, and \(\hat{\mathbf{S}}\) is the tensorial nematic order parameter
The Flory-Huggins parameter \(\chi\) gives the strength of polymer-solvent interactions. The Maier-Saupe parameter \(a\) gives the strength of aligning interactions that lead to liquid crystal phase phenomena.
The thermodynamic behavior is found by finding the grand canonical partition function
where \(\prod_{\vec{r}} \delta (\hat{\phi}_{s}+\hat{\phi}_{p}-1)\) accounts for the incompressibility constraint \(\hat{\phi}_{s}+\hat{\phi}_{p} = 1\) at all locations, and \(\prod_{s}\delta (\vec{u}_{i} - \partial_{s} \vec{r}_{i})\) denotes the fixed chain length constraint \(\vec{u}_{i}=\partial_{s} \vec{r}_{i}\). This cannot be solved exactly due to the many-body interactions that are implicit within the Hamiltonian.
To make progress, we use field-theoretical techniques~cite{kn:fredreview,kn:matsen} to transform the many-chain problem into a single-chain problem in fluctuating effective potential fields. The field-theoretic representation emerges from a series of identity transformations that leave the theory unaffected.
First, we introduce collective variables \(\phi_{s}\), \(\phi_{p}\), and \(\mathbf{S}\) into the grand canonical partition function, giving
Second, rewrite the delta functions using Fourier representations
The grand canonical partition function is now written as
Here, we have defined the single-solvent-molecule partition function and single-polymer-chain partition function, given by
This form still cannot be solved exactly, but we can find a saddle-point approximation that essentially gives the maximum term in the functional integrals. To do this, we write the free energy functional
which will be evaluated at values of \(\phi_{s}\), \(\phi_{p}\), \(\mathbf{S}\), \(W_{s}\), \(W_{p}\), and \(\mathbf{\lambda}\) that maximize \(-\beta G\) (or free energy minimum).
We find the first variation of the free energy to be
Setting \(\delta \beta G\) to zero gives the self-consistent field equations:
where \(w_{s} = i W_{s}\), \(w_{p} = i W_{p}\), and \(\mathbf{h}=i \mathbf{\lambda}\).
Now consider the special case of having a homogeneous solution \(\phi_{s}(\vec{r}) = \phi_{s}\), \(\phi_{p}(\vec{r}) = \phi_{p}\), and nematic order parameter \(\mathbf{S}(\vec{r}) = S_{0} \left( \hat{z}\hat{z} - \frac{1}{3} \mathbf{I} \right)\). Define a normalized scalar order parameter \(m\) by
where \(\left< \ldots \right>\) indicates an average with respect to the single-chain, self-consistent-field Hamiltonian,
The grand potential density \(g = G/V\) is equivalently expressed as the osmotic pressure defined through \(p=-[g(\phi_p)-g(0)]\) and given by
The chemical potential \(\mu\) is given by
where the single-polymer molecule orientation partition function \(q\) is calculated from the self-consistent field Hamiltonian, Eq. (7). The Helmholtz free energy density (up to an additive constant) for a single, homogeneous phase is
This agrees with the Flory-Huggins theory when \(a=0\) and \(q\) is a constant (with unimportant factors that are linear in \(\phi_{p}\)).
Functions contained with the ‘wlc_lcpoly’ module¶
Module containing functions for evaluating the self-consistent field theory for polymer solutions, including nematic liquid crystallinity
(length_kuhn, poles_vec)[source]¶ Evaluate the magnitude of the integral for a list of poles (including repeats). This algorithm includes cases for single, double, and triple poles (as needed in evaluation of correlation functions)
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
poles_vec (float (array)) – Array of poles
- Returns
int_mag – Value of the integral over chain length for the five poles
- Return type
(length_kuhn, lam, alpha_max=25, l_cont_frac_max=200)[source]¶ Calculate the Frank elastic constants for a polymer liquid crystal solution
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
lam (float) – The value of the quadrupole field \(\lambda\)
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 50)
l_cont_frac_max (int) – Number of levels included in the evaluation of residues from continued fraction
- Returns
q_val (float) – Single-chain partition function
m_val (float) – Nematic order parameter
y21_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function
y21_ux_ux_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with x-x end-to-end distance squared
y21_uy_uy_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with y-y end-to-end distance squared
y21_uz_uz_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with z-z end-to-end distance squared
(length_kuhn, lam)[source]¶ Calculate the Frank elastic constants for a polymer liquid crystal solution
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
lam (float) – The value of the quadrupole field \(\lambda\)
- Returns
q_val (float) – Single-chain partition function
m_val (float) – Nematic order parameter
y21_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function
y21_ux_ux_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with x-x end-to-end distance squared
y21_uy_uy_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with y-y end-to-end distance squared
y21_uz_uz_y21 (float) – y21-y21 correlation function with z-z end-to-end distance squared
(l, m)[source]¶ eval_a_l_m - Evaluate the coefficient from a ladder operation \(cos \theta Y_{\lambda;\mu}\) on the spherical harmonic
- Parameters
l (int (array)) – The angular kinetic energy quantum index of the spherical harmonic \(Y_{\lambda;\mu}\)
m (int) – The angular kinetic energy quantum index of the spherical harmonic \(Y_{\lambda;\mu}\)
See Mehraeen, et al, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 061803 (2008). (Ref [Mehraeen2008]) and Arfken (1999) (Ref [Arfken1999])
(l, m)[source]¶ eval_a_l_m - Evaluate the coefficient from a ladder operation \(e^{i \phi} sin \theta Y_{\lambda;\mu}\) on the spherical harmonic
- Parameters
l (int (array)) – The angular kinetic energy quantum index of the spherical harmonic \(Y_{\lambda;\mu}\)
m (int) – The angular kinetic energy quantum index of the spherical harmonic \(Y_{\lambda;\mu}\)
See Mehraeen, et al, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 061803 (2008). (Ref [Mehraeen2008]) and Arfken (1999) (Ref [Arfken1999])
(lam, m=0, alpha_max=25)[source]¶ eval_poles_lcpoly - Evaluate the poles for given \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\) using the matrix method for intermediate \(K\)
- Parameters
lam (float) – The value of the nematic field \(\lambda\)
m (int) – Value of the mu parameter
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 25)
- Returns
poles – Evaluated poles for the given \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\)
- Return type
(lam, m, poles, l_zero_only=True, l_max=25, alpha_max=25, l_cont_frac_max=50)[source]¶ eval_residues_lcpoly - Evaluate the residues for the Green’s function of a nematic polymer
- Parameters
lam (float) – The value of the nematic field \(\lambda\)
m (int) – Value of the mu parameter
poles (complex float) – Evaluated poles for the given \(K\) and \(\mu\)
l_zero_only (boolean) – Indicates whether the residues will be evaluated over the range of \(\lambda\) and \(lambda_{0}\)
l_max (int) – Maximum lambda value evaluated
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 25)
l_cont_frac_max (int) – Maximum \(\lambda\) value in the continued fraction evaluation
- Returns
residues – Evaluated residues for the given \(K\) and \(\mu\)
- Return type
complex float
See [Mehraeen2008] for intermediate-k algorithms
(length_kuhn, lam, alpha_max=25, l_cont_frac_max=50)[source]¶ Calculate the single-polymer partition function
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
lam (float) – The value of the quadrupole field \(\lambda\)
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 50)
- Returns
m_val – Evaluated order parameter
- Return type
(length_kuhn, lam, alpha_max=25)[source]¶ Calculate the single-polymer partition function
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
lam (float) – The value of the quadrupole field \(\lambda\)
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 50)
- Returns
q_val – Evaluated single-polymer partition function
- Return type
(length_kuhn, lam, alpha_max=25, l_cont_frac_max=50)[source]¶ Calculate the mean-square end-to-end distance for a liquid crystal polymer
- Parameters
length_kuhn (float) – The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths
lam (float) – The value of the quadrupole field \(\lambda\)
alpha_max (int) – Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 50)
- Returns
r_2_par (float) – mean-square distance in the parallel direction
r_2_perp (float) – mean-square distance in the perpendicular direction
xi_par (float) – parallel correlation length
xi_perp (float) – perpendicular correlation length
Example usage of ‘q_lcpoly’¶
We reproduce Fig. 6 from [Spakowitz2003] to demonstrate the use of ‘q_lcpoly’. We show free energy relative to the isotropic state \(\Delta f\) versus the order parameter \(m\) for a thermotropic liquid-crystalline polymer system with \(N = L/(2lp)=3.3333\) and \(2 l_{p} \kappa = 20.7582\) (blue), \(2 l_{p} \kappa = 21.0606\) (orange), and \(2 l_{p} \kappa = 23.6844\) (green).