Source code for wlcstat.wlcstruc

from wlcstat.util.wlc_poles_residues import *
from wlcstat.util.wlc_vertex import *
from wlcstat.wlcave import *
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

# Quadratic order density functions

[docs]def s2_wlc(k_val_vector, length_kuhn, dimensions=3, alpha_max=25): r""" s2_wlc - Evaluate the 2-point structure factor for the wormlike chain model Parameters ---------- k_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector magnitude :math:`K` length_kuhn : float (array) The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths dimensions : int The number of dimensions (default to 3 dimensions) alpha_max : int Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 25) Returns ------- s2 : float (vector) Structure factor for the wormlike chain model for every k_val in k_val_vector Notes ----- See Mehraeen, et al, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 061803 (2008). (Ref [Mehraeen2008]_) """ if type(length_kuhn) == float or type(length_kuhn) == int: length_kuhn = np.array([length_kuhn]) s2 = np.zeros((len(k_val_vector), len(length_kuhn)), dtype=type(1+1j)) # Calculate the radius of gyration to determine a cutoff value of k rg2 = rg2_ave(length_kuhn, dimensions=3) k_cutoff_factor = 1.0e-5 k_cutoff = k_cutoff_factor * np.sqrt(1 / rg2) for ind_k_val in range(0, len(k_val_vector)): k_val = k_val_vector[ind_k_val] lam_max = alpha_max poles = eval_poles(k_val, 0, dimensions, alpha_max) residues = eval_residues(k_val, 0, poles, True, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=10 ** -3) residue_zero, ddp_residue_zero = eval_residue_zero(k_val, 0, dimensions) for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): # Use the p=0 residue if k > 10.0 if k_val > 10.0: s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] = (length_kuhn[ind_length] * residue_zero + ddp_residue_zero) for alpha in range(0, alpha_max): s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] += (np.exp(poles[alpha] * length_kuhn[ind_length]) * residues[alpha] / poles[alpha] ** 2) # Use the direct integration of the Laplace inversed function if k <= 10.0 else: s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] = 0. for alpha in range(0, alpha_max): s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] += (- length_kuhn[ind_length] * poles[alpha] + np.exp(poles[alpha] * length_kuhn[ind_length]) - 1.) * residues[alpha] / poles[alpha] ** 2 s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] *= 2 / length_kuhn[ind_length] ** 2 # Reset the s2 value if below the cutoff if k_val < k_cutoff[ind_length]: s2[ind_k_val, ind_length] = 1 return s2
# Cubic order density functions
[docs]def s3_wlc(k1_val_vector, k2_val_vector, length_kuhn, dimensions=3, alpha_max=15): r""" s3_wlc - Evaluate the 3-point structure factor for the wormlike chain model Parameters ---------- k1_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector :math:`\vec{K}_{1}` k2_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector :math:`\vec{K}_{2}` length_kuhn : float (array) The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths dimensions : int The number of dimensions (default to 3 dimensions) alpha_max : int Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 25) Returns ------- s3_wlc : float (vector) 3-point Structure factor for the wormlike chain model for every k1_val and k2_val in k1_val_vector and k2_val_vector Notes ----- See Mehraeen, et al, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 061803 (2008). (Ref [Mehraeen2008]_) """ # Assign the size of s3_wlc based on whether multiple values of k1 and length are input if type(length_kuhn) == float or type(length_kuhn) == int: length_kuhn = np.array([length_kuhn]) s3 = np.zeros((np.size(k1_val_vector, axis=0), len(length_kuhn)), dtype=type(1+1j)) # Calculate the radius of gyration to determine a cutoff value of k rg2 = rg2_ave(length_kuhn, dimensions=3) k_cutoff_factor_zero = 0.2 k_cutoff_zero = k_cutoff_factor_zero * np.sqrt(1 / rg2) k_cutoff_factor = 0.5 k_cutoff = k_cutoff_factor * np.sqrt(1 / rg2) # Define the tolerance for poles being equal valued pole_tol = 1.e-5 # Loop through the k values for ind_k_val in range(0, np.size(k1_val_vector, axis=0)): # Calculate the scattering vector magnitudes k1_val = k1_val_vector[ind_k_val, :] # k1 vector k2_val = k2_val_vector[ind_k_val, :] # k2 vector k12_val = k1_val + k2_val # k1 + k2 vector k1_mag = np.linalg.norm(k1_val) # k1 magnitude k2_mag = np.linalg.norm(k2_val) # k2 magnitude k12_mag = np.linalg.norm(k12_val) # k12 magnitude # Evaluate the angular arguments for the Legendre polynomials rho_12 = -, k2_val) / (k1_mag * k2_mag) # Cos angle between k1 and k2 rho_112 =, k12_val) / (k1_mag * k12_mag) # Cos angle between k1 and k2 rho_212 =, k12_val) / (k2_mag * k12_mag) # Cos angle between k1 and k2 # Calculate the Legendre polynomials p_lam_12 = eval_legendre(rho_12, 0, alpha_max) p_lam_112 = eval_legendre(rho_112, 0, alpha_max) p_lam_212 = eval_legendre(rho_212, 0, alpha_max) # Evaluate the poles and residues of the three vectors lam_zero_only = False lam_max = alpha_max poles_k1 = eval_poles(k1_mag, 0, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_k1 = eval_residues(k1_mag, 0, poles_k1, lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=2e-4) residue_zero_k1, ddp_residue_zero_k1 = eval_residue_zero(k1_mag, 0, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) poles_k2 = eval_poles(k2_mag, 0, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_k2 = eval_residues(k2_mag, 0, poles_k2, lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=2e-4) residue_zero_k2, ddp_residue_zero_k2 = eval_residue_zero(k2_mag, 0, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) poles_k12 = eval_poles(k12_mag, 0, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_k12 = eval_residues(k12_mag, 0, poles_k12, lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=2e-4) residue_zero_k12, ddp_residue_zero_k12 = eval_residue_zero(k12_mag, 0, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) # Determine the algorithm for the 3 cases if np.sqrt(k1_mag ** 2. + k12_mag ** 2.) < 10.: case1_zero = True else: case1_zero = False if np.sqrt(k1_mag ** 2. + k2_mag ** 2.) < 10.: case2_zero = True else: case2_zero = False if np.sqrt(k2_mag ** 2. + k12_mag ** 2.) < 10.: case3_zero = True else: case3_zero = False # Add the contribution from the p=0 double pole # Case 1: s1 < s2 < s3 for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): if not case1_zero: s3[ind_k_val, ind_length] += 2 * np.sum( length_kuhn[ind_length] * residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * p_lam_112 + ddp_residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * p_lam_112 + residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * ddp_residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * p_lam_112) # Case 2: s1 < s3 < s2 for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): if not case2_zero: s3[ind_k_val, ind_length] += 2 * np.sum( length_kuhn[ind_length] * residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_12 + ddp_residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_12 + residue_zero_k1[:, 0] * ddp_residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_12) # Case 3: s2 < s1 < s3 for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): if not case3_zero: s3[ind_k_val, ind_length] += 2 * np.sum( length_kuhn[ind_length] * residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_212 + ddp_residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_212 + residue_zero_k12[:, 0] * ddp_residue_zero_k2[:, 0] * p_lam_212) # Sum over the poles for the wlc green functions for alpha in range(0, alpha_max + 1): for alpha_p in range(0, alpha_max + 1): # Case 1: s1 < s2 < s3 pole1 = poles_k1[alpha] pole2 = poles_k12[alpha_p] if np.abs(pole1 - pole2) < pole_tol: pole2 = pole1 poles_vec = np.array([pole1, pole2, 0, 0]) if case1_zero: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=1.0) else: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=0.0) s3[ind_k_val, :] += 2 * np.sum( residues_k1[:, 0, alpha] * residues_k12[:, 0, alpha_p] * p_lam_112) * integ # Case 2: s1 < s3 < s2 pole1 = poles_k1[alpha] pole2 = poles_k2[alpha_p] if np.abs(pole1 - pole2) < pole_tol: pole2 = pole1 poles_vec = np.array([pole1, pole2, 0, 0]) if case2_zero: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=1.0) else: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=0.0) s3[ind_k_val, :] += 2 * np.sum( residues_k1[:, 0, alpha] * residues_k2[:, 0, alpha_p] * p_lam_12) * integ # Case 3: s2 < s1 < s3 pole1 = poles_k2[alpha] pole2 = poles_k12[alpha_p] if np.abs(pole1 - pole2) < pole_tol: pole2 = pole1 poles_vec = np.array([pole1, pole2, 0, 0]) if case3_zero: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=1.0) else: integ = calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=0.0) s3[ind_k_val, :] += 2 * np.sum( residues_k2[:, 0, alpha] * residues_k12[:, 0, alpha_p] * p_lam_212) * integ # Rescale the values by the factor 1 / length_kuhn ** 3 for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): s3[ind_k_val, ind_length] /= length_kuhn[ind_length] ** 3. # Reset the s2 value if below the cutoff if min(k1_mag, k2_mag) < k_cutoff_zero[ind_length]: s3[ind_k_val, ind_length] = 1. return s3
# Quartic order density functions
[docs]def s4_wlc(k1_val_vector, k2_val_vector, k3_val_vector, length_kuhn, dimensions=3, alpha_max=10): r""" s4_wlc - Evaluate the 4-point structure factor for the wormlike chain model Parameters ---------- k1_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector :math:`\vec{K}_{1}` k2_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector :math:`\vec{K}_{2}` k3_val_vector : float (array) The value of the Fourier vector :math:`\vec{K}_{2}` length_kuhn : float (array) The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths dimensions : int The number of dimensions (default to 3 dimensions) alpha_max : int Maximum number of poles evaluated (default 25) Returns ------- s4_wlc : float (vector) 4-point Structure factor for the wormlike chain model for every k1_val, k2_val, k3_val in k1_val_vector, k2_val_vector, k3_val_vector Notes ----- See Mehraeen, et al, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 061803 (2008). (Ref [Mehraeen2008]_) """ # Assign the size of s4_wlc based on whether multiple values of k1 and length are input if type(length_kuhn) == float or type(length_kuhn) == int: length_kuhn = np.array([length_kuhn]) s4 = np.zeros((np.size(k1_val_vector, axis=0), len(length_kuhn)), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) # Calculate the radius of gyration to determine a cutoff value of k rg2 = rg2_ave(length_kuhn, dimensions=3) k_cutoff_factor_zero = 0.2 k_cutoff_zero = k_cutoff_factor_zero * np.sqrt(1 / rg2) # Define the tolerance for poles being equal valued pole_tol = 1.e-3 # Define the conditions for switching to the zero pole algorithm k_case_zero = 100. # Loop through the k values for ind_k_val in range(0, np.size(k1_val_vector, axis=0)): k123_val = np.zeros((3, 3)) k123_val[0, :] = k1_val_vector[ind_k_val, :] # k1 vector k123_val[1, :] = k2_val_vector[ind_k_val, :] # k2 vector k123_val[2, :] = k3_val_vector[ind_k_val, :] # k3 vector # Setup the ka, kb, kc vectors for each case of s ordering ka_vector = np.zeros((12, 3)) kb_vector = np.zeros((12, 3)) kc_vector = np.zeros((12, 3)) for i_c in range(6): ka_vector[i_c, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[1, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[0, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[1, :] kb_vector[1, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[1, :] kb_vector[2, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[3, :] = k123_val[1, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[4, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[5, :] = k123_val[1, :] + k123_val[2, :] kc_vector[0, :] = k123_val[0, :] kc_vector[1, :] = k123_val[1, :] kc_vector[2, :] = k123_val[0, :] kc_vector[3, :] = k123_val[1, :] kc_vector[4, :] = k123_val[2, :] kc_vector[5, :] = k123_val[2, :] ka_vector[6, :] = - k123_val[2, :] ka_vector[7, :] = - k123_val[2, :] ka_vector[8, :] = - k123_val[1, :] ka_vector[9, :] = - k123_val[0, :] ka_vector[10, :] = - k123_val[1, :] ka_vector[11, :] = - k123_val[0, :] kb_vector[6, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[1, :] kb_vector[7, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[1, :] kb_vector[8, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[9, :] = k123_val[1, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[10, :] = k123_val[0, :] + k123_val[2, :] kb_vector[11, :] = k123_val[1, :] + k123_val[2, :] kc_vector[6, :] = k123_val[0, :] kc_vector[7, :] = k123_val[1, :] kc_vector[8, :] = k123_val[0, :] kc_vector[9, :] = k123_val[1, :] kc_vector[10, :] = k123_val[2, :] kc_vector[11, :] = k123_val[2, :] # Evaluate the residues for the 12 cases mu = 0 poles_ka = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residues_ka = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residue_zero_ka = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) ddp_residue_zero_ka = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) poles_kc = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residues_kc = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residue_zero_kc = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) ddp_residue_zero_kc = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) rho_ab = np.zeros((12)) rho_bc = np.zeros((12)) phi_abc = np.zeros((12)) case_zero = np.zeros((12), dtype=bool) # Cycle through the cases for i_c in range(12): ka_val = ka_vector[i_c, :] # ka vector kb_val = kb_vector[i_c, :] # kb vector kc_val = kc_vector[i_c, :] # kc vector ka_mag = np.linalg.norm(ka_val) # ka magnitude kb_mag = np.linalg.norm(kb_val) # kb magnitude kc_mag = np.linalg.norm(kc_val) # kc magnitude # Determine whether to use the zero-pole algorithm if np.sqrt(ka_mag ** 2. + kb_mag ** 2. + kc_mag ** 2.) < k_case_zero: case_zero[i_c] = True else: case_zero[i_c] = False # Setup the polar and azimuthal angles between ka, kb, kc rho_ab[i_c] =, kb_val) / (ka_mag * kb_mag) # $\cos \theta$ between ka and kb rho_bc[i_c] =, kc_val) / (kb_mag * kc_mag) # $\cos \theta$ between kb and kc if kb_mag == 0: eb = np.array([0, 0, 1]) else: eb = kb_val / np.linalg.norm(kb_val) ka_perp = ka_val -, eb) * eb ea_perp = ka_perp / np.linalg.norm(ka_perp) kc_perp = kc_val -, eb) * eb ec_perp = kc_perp / np.linalg.norm(kc_perp) phi_abc[i_c] = np.arctan2(, np.cross(ea_perp, eb)),, ea_perp)) # Evaluate the poles and residues of vectors a and c (mu = 0) lam_zero_only = False lam_max = alpha_max mu = 0 poles_ka[:, i_c] = eval_poles(ka_mag, mu, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_ka[:, :, :, i_c] = eval_residues(ka_mag, mu, poles_ka[:, i_c], lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=1e-2) residue_zero_ka[:, :, i_c], ddp_residue_zero_ka[:, :, i_c] = eval_residue_zero(ka_mag, mu, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) poles_kc[:, i_c] = eval_poles(kc_mag, mu, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_kc[:, :, :, i_c] = eval_residues(kc_mag, mu, poles_kc[:, i_c], lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=1e-2) residue_zero_kc[:, :, i_c], ddp_residue_zero_kc[:, :, i_c] = eval_residue_zero(kc_mag, mu, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) # Evaluate the poles and residues for vector b at each mu poles_kb = np.zeros((alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residues_kb = np.zeros((alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) residue_zero_kb = np.zeros((alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) ddp_residue_zero_kb = np.zeros((alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) ylm_abc = np.zeros((alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, alpha_max + 1, 12), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) # Cycle through the mu values for mu in range(alpha_max + 1): for i_c in range(12): kb_val = kb_vector[i_c, :] # kb vector kb_mag = np.linalg.norm(kb_val) # kb magnitude # Evaluate the poles and residues of the vector c at each mu value lam_zero_only = False poles_kb[mu:, mu, i_c] = eval_poles(kb_mag, mu, dimensions, alpha_max=alpha_max) residues_kb[mu:, mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] = \ eval_residues(kb_mag, mu, poles_kb[mu:, mu, i_c], lam_zero_only, dimensions, lam_max, alpha_max, k_val_cutoff=1e-2, lam_cont_frac_max=50) residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c], ddp_residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] = \ eval_residue_zero(kb_mag, mu, lam_zero_only, lam_max, dimensions) # Evaluate the spherical harmonic matrix p_lam_ab = eval_legendre(rho_ab[i_c], mu, alpha_max) p_lam_bc = eval_legendre(rho_bc[i_c], mu, alpha_max) ylm_abc[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] = np.outer(p_lam_ab, p_lam_bc) * np.cos(mu * phi_abc[i_c]) # Calculate the contributions for each case to s4 # Add the contribution from the p=0 double pole s4_zero = np.zeros((len(length_kuhn)), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) for mu in range(alpha_max + 1): for i_c in range(12): if not case_zero[i_c]: s4_zero += (length_kuhn * np.sum( np.outer(residue_zero_ka[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c], residue_zero_kc[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c]) * residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] * ylm_abc[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c]) + np.sum(np.outer(ddp_residue_zero_ka[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c], residue_zero_kc[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c]) * residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] * ylm_abc[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c]) + np.sum(np.outer(residue_zero_ka[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c], ddp_residue_zero_kc[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c]) * residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] * ylm_abc [mu:, mu:, mu, i_c]) + np.sum(np.outer(residue_zero_ka[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c], residue_zero_kc[mu:(alpha_max + 1), mu, i_c]) * ddp_residue_zero_kb[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c] * ylm_abc[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c])) s4[ind_k_val, :] += 2. * s4_zero # Sum over the poles for the wlc green functions for alpha_a in reversed(range(0, alpha_max + 1)): for alpha_c in reversed(range(0, alpha_max + 1)): for alpha_b in reversed(range(0, alpha_max + 1)): s4_mu = np.zeros((len(length_kuhn)), dtype=type(1 + 1j)) for mu in reversed(range(0, alpha_b + 1)): for i_c in range(12): # Calculate the contribution for the three poles pole1 = poles_ka[alpha_a, i_c] pole2 = poles_kb[alpha_b, mu, i_c] pole3 = poles_kc[alpha_c, i_c] # Set poles to be equal if below the tolerance if np.abs(pole1 - pole2) < pole_tol: pole2 = pole1 if np.abs(pole2 - pole3) < pole_tol: pole3 = pole2 if np.abs(pole1 - pole3) < pole_tol: pole3 = pole1 if case_zero[i_c]: integ = calc_s4_int_mag(length_kuhn, pole1, pole2, pole3, frac_zero=1.0) else: integ = calc_s4_int_mag(length_kuhn, pole1, pole2, pole3, frac_zero=0.0) if mu == 0: coef = 2. else: coef = 4. s4_mu += coef * np.sum( np.outer(residues_ka[mu:, 0, alpha_a, i_c], residues_kc[mu:, 0, alpha_c, i_c]) * residues_kb[mu:, mu:, alpha_b, mu, i_c] * ylm_abc[mu:, mu:, mu, i_c]) * integ # Add the contribute at this k value to the 4-point function s4[ind_k_val, :] += s4_mu # Rescale the values by the factor 1 / length_kuhn ** 4 for ind_length in range(0, len(length_kuhn)): s4[ind_k_val, ind_length] /= length_kuhn[ind_length] ** 4. # Reset the s2 value if below the cutoff if min(np.linalg.norm(k123_val[0, :]), np.linalg.norm(k123_val[1, :]), np.linalg.norm(k123_val[2, :])) < k_cutoff_zero[ind_length]: s4[ind_k_val, ind_length] = 1. s4 = np.real(s4) return s4
# Auxiliary functions for the calculations
[docs]def eval_legendre(rho, mu=0, alpha_max=25): r""" Evaluate the vector of Legendre polynomial values Parameters ---------- rho : float Cos theta of the angle mu : int Value of the z-momentum quantum number alpha_max : int Maximum number of polynomials evaluated (default 25) Returns ------- legendre_poly : float Vector of Legendre polynomials """ mu = abs(mu) legendre_poly = np.zeros((alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1), dtype=float) # Define the first two Legendre polynomials legendre_poly[0] = (-1) ** mu * sp.special.factorial2(2 * mu - 1) * (1 - rho ** 2) ** (mu / 2) if alpha_max - abs(mu) >= 1: legendre_poly[1] = rho * (2 * mu + 1) * legendre_poly[0] # Define the remaining Legendre polynomials based on the recurrence relation for i_l in range(2, alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1): lam = i_l + abs(mu) legendre_poly[i_l] = (rho * legendre_poly[i_l - 1] * (2 * lam - 1) - legendre_poly[i_l - 2] * (lam + mu - 1)) / (lam - mu) if mu != 0: for i_l in range(alpha_max - abs(mu) + 1): lam = i_l + abs(mu) legendre_poly[i_l] *= np.sqrt(sp.special.factorial(lam - mu) / sp.special.factorial(lam + mu)) return legendre_poly
[docs]def calc_int_mag(length_kuhn, poles_vec, frac_zero=1.0): r""" Evaluate the magnitude of the integral for a list of poles (including repeats). This algorithm includes cases for single, double, and triple poles (as needed in evaluation of correlation functions) Parameters ---------- length_kuhn : float The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths poles_vec : float (array) Array of poles frac_zero : float Multiplicative factor for contributions from poles at p=0 Returns ------- int_mag : float Value of the integral over chain length for the five poles """ # Determine the number of repeated poles and their order poles_vec_unique, poles_order = np.unique(poles_vec, return_counts=True) # Cycle through the poles and evaluate contribution for each order int_mag = np.zeros_like(length_kuhn, dtype=type(1 + 1j)) for i_pole in range(len(poles_vec_unique)): # Rescale the contribution for zero poles if poles_vec_unique[i_pole] == 0: frac = frac_zero else: frac = 1.0 # Algorithm for the case of a simple pole if poles_order[i_pole] == 1: f_poles = 1 / ([i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole)) ** np.delete(poles_order, i_pole))) int_mag += frac * f_poles * np.exp(poles_vec_unique[i_pole] * length_kuhn) # Algorithm for the case of a double pole elif poles_order[i_pole] == 2: f_poles = 1 / ([i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole)) ** np.delete(poles_order, i_pole))) prod_poles = np.sum(np.delete(poles_order, i_pole) / (poles_vec_unique[i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole))) ddp_f_poles = - f_poles * prod_poles int_mag += frac * (length_kuhn * f_poles + ddp_f_poles) * np.exp(poles_vec_unique[i_pole] * length_kuhn) # Algorithm for the case of a triple pole elif poles_order[i_pole] == 3: f_poles = 1 / ([i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole)) ** np.delete(poles_order, i_pole))) prod_poles = np.sum(np.delete(poles_order, i_pole) / (poles_vec_unique[i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole))) prod_poles_2 = np.sum(np.delete(poles_order, i_pole) / (poles_vec_unique[i_pole] - np.delete(poles_vec_unique, i_pole)) ** 2) ddp_f_poles = - f_poles * prod_poles d2dp2_f_poles = f_poles * (prod_poles_2 + prod_poles ** 2) int_mag += frac * 0.5 * (length_kuhn ** 2 * f_poles + 2 * length_kuhn * ddp_f_poles + d2dp2_f_poles) * np.exp(poles_vec_unique[i_pole] * length_kuhn) return int_mag
[docs]def calc_s4_int_mag(length_kuhn, pole1, pole2, pole3, frac_zero=1.0): r""" Evaluate the magnitude of the integral for a list of poles (including repeats). This algorithm includes cases for single, double, and triple poles (as needed in evaluation of correlation functions) Parameters ---------- length_kuhn : float The length of the chain in Kuhn lengths poles_vec : float (array) Array of poles frac_zero : float Multiplicative factor for contributions from poles at p=0 Returns ------- int_mag : float Value of the integral over chain length for the five poles """ # Cycle through the poles and evaluate contribution for each order int_mag = np.zeros_like(length_kuhn, dtype=type(1 + 1j)) if pole1 == pole2 and pole2 == pole3: if pole1 == 0: int_mag = length_kuhn ** 4. / 24. else: int_mag = (((pole1 * length_kuhn) ** 2. - 4. * pole1 * length_kuhn + 6.) * np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) + frac_zero * (-2. * pole1 * length_kuhn - 6.)) / (2. * pole1 ** 4.) elif pole1 == pole2 and pole2 != pole3: int_mag = ((2. * pole3 - 3. * pole1) * np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 3. * (pole1 - pole3) ** 2.) + length_kuhn * np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 2. * (pole1 - pole3)) + np.exp(pole3 * length_kuhn) / (pole3 ** 2. * (pole3 - pole1) ** 2.) + frac_zero * (-length_kuhn / (pole1 ** 2. * pole3) -(pole1 + 2. * pole3) / (pole1 ** 3. * pole3 ** 2.))) elif pole1 == pole3 and pole2 != pole3: int_mag = ((2. * pole2 - 3. * pole1) * np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 3. * (pole1 - pole2) ** 2.) + length_kuhn * np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 2. * (pole1 - pole2)) + np.exp(pole2 * length_kuhn) / (pole2 ** 2. * (pole2 - pole1) ** 2.) + frac_zero * (-length_kuhn / (pole1 ** 2. * pole2) -(pole1 + 2. * pole2) / (pole1 ** 3. * pole2 ** 2.))) elif pole2 == pole3 and pole1 != pole3: int_mag = ((2. * pole1 - 3. * pole2) * np.exp(pole2 * length_kuhn) / (pole2 ** 3. * (pole2 - pole1) ** 2.) + length_kuhn * np.exp(pole2 * length_kuhn) / (pole2 ** 2. * (pole2 - pole1)) + np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 2. * (pole1 - pole2) ** 2.) + frac_zero * (-length_kuhn / (pole2 ** 2. * pole1) -(pole2 + 2. * pole1) / (pole2 ** 3. * pole1 ** 2.))) else: int_mag = (np.exp(pole1 * length_kuhn) / (pole1 ** 2. * (pole1 - pole2) * (pole1 - pole3)) + np.exp(pole2 * length_kuhn) / (pole2 ** 2. * (pole2 - pole1) * (pole2 - pole3)) + np.exp(pole3 * length_kuhn) / (pole3 ** 2. * (pole3 - pole1) * (pole3 - pole2)) + frac_zero * (-length_kuhn / (pole1 * pole2 * pole3) -1. / (pole1 * pole2 * pole3 ** 2.) - 1. / (pole1 * pole3 * pole2 ** 2.) - 1. / (pole2 * pole3 * pole1 ** 2.))) return int_mag