Wormlike Chain Model Statistics (wlcstat)¶
This python repository contains functions to predict the equilibrium and dynamic behavior of polymeric fluids and materials, particularly focusing on semiflexible polymers modeled using the wormlike chain model and several related models. Theoretical background for these functions is systematically developed in the associated pages, including derivations and example calculations. These theoretical developments represent an overview of analytical theory developed in the Spakowitz lab at Stanford University (Spakowitz lab website).

All microscopic polymer models exhibit an intermediate-scale semiflexible behavior before trending towards the Gaussian Chain Model. Demonstration of a microscopic model (Freely Rotating Chain Model) behaving as the Effective Elastic Chain at intermediate scales before approaching the Gaussian Chain Model.¶
- Gaussian Chain Theory
- Wormlike Chain Theory
- Average Quantities
- Wormlike Chain Green's Function
- Structure Factor
- Polymer Confinement
- Polymer Liquid Crystalline Solutions
- Semiflexible Copolymers
- Wormlike Chains with Twist, Helices, and Ribbons
- Chromosomal DNA
- Polymer Dynamics
- Active-Brownian Dynamics
- Appendix
- References